Monday, November 06, 2006

Democrat Party Supporters

Our American Constitution grants us a remarkable liberty: “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (Amendment I) Because of this provision, America has maintained the most open society in world history to date. Certainly, any American individual or organization has the Constitutional right to comment on the conduct of our Federal government and elected officials.

However, when armed militant enemies of the United States endorse the campaign promises of one of America’s major political policies, don’t you think it might be time for that political party to review and reconsider their message?

Mideast terror leaders to U.S.: Vote Democrat
Withdrawal from Iraq would
embolden jihadists to destroy Israel,
November 2, 2006
9:27 a.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2006

JERUSALEM – Everybody has an opinion about next Tuesday's midterm congressional election in the U.S. – including senior terrorist leaders interviewed by WND who say they hope Americans sweep the Democrats into power because of the party's position on withdrawing from Iraq, a move, as they see it, that ensures victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats would prove to them Americans are "tired."

They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is destroyed.

They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to enhance "resistance" against Israel.

"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, told WND.

"This is why American Muslims will support the Democrats, because there is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq. It is time that the American people support those who want to take them out of this Iraqi mud," said Jaara, speaking to WND from exile in Ireland, where he was sent as part of an internationally brokered deal that ended the church siege.

Read the entire article at

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Democrat Leadership: MIA

With the 2006 election a mere three days away, the final push by candidates near and far is being felt. Ad after ad highlight last minute issues, and the media reports some of the more closely watched races. I have seen reports of President and Mrs. Bush, Vice-President and Mrs. Cheney, and other high-profile Republicans on the campaign trail.

Notably missing from the high profile campaigns are the minority leaders of the House and Senate. Not a whole lot of Democrat leaders are showing up on the campaign trail for their fellow Democrat candidates. Even Sen. Kerry (D-MA) canceled planned campaign stops following his “botched joke.” Democrat leadership is MIA (missing in action).

No one can tell me that these liberal Democrats are not proud of their political stances. No one can tell me that they are not proud of their voting records. They verbalize their hostility toward the Bush administration and Congressional conservatives all the time. They sit and respond with cat-calls to proposals about stimulating the economy through tax cuts and partial social security privatization; reversing partial-birth abortion bills; prosecuting the liberation of Iraq successfully. Take a look at Rep. Pelosi’s (D-CA) voting record as recently reported in the Washington Times (

“A Roman Catholic who has repeatedly voted to uphold partial-birth abortion, who has voted against parental notification when minor children seek abortion and who has shown no concern for the rights of the innocent unborn, Mrs. Pelosi has consistently opposed the death penalty. Over the years, Mrs. Pelosi has consistently voted against welfare reform, including the 1996 bill signed by President Clinton and its re-authorization. In 1998, she opposed a constitutional amendment to permit school prayer in the classroom. In 1999, she opposed allowing state and local governments to display the Ten Commandments on public property, including schools. She has voted against education IRAs. In 2003, she opposed a $10 million program for school vouchers in the District of Columbia. That same year she voted against the 10-year $400 billion Medicare prescription-drug bill because she preferred one that was twice as expensive. Mrs. Pelosi has repeatedly voted for tax increases and opposed tax cuts, even the 2001 bill that doubled the child tax credit to $1,000, among other cuts. As the United States has become increasingly dependent on foreign sources for oil, Mrs. Pelosi has always opposed drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In recent years, she has become protectionist -- leading the opposition in 2000 against then-President Clinton's successful effort to establish permanent normal trade relations with China. She also opposed giving Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bush trade-promotion authority; and in 2005 she voted against the Central American Free Trade Agreement. In 2004, she voted to end Radio Marti broadcasts to Cuba. She voted to reduce funds for the B-2 intercontinental bomber, which performed superbly in the 1999 Kosovo War, in 2001 in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Mrs. Pelosi has repeatedly opposed anti-missile defense, even as a nuclear-armed North Korea has tested ballistic missiles.”

This is the voting record of Rep. Pelosi (D-CA), the potential House Majority Leader should Democrats gain the majority this election, and other liberal Democrats in both the House and Senate. But where are they when it is time to put their beliefs and issues before the American public? Why would they choose the campaign season before this important 2006 election to be MIA?

If I were a liberal, I would be furious. Not furious enough to vote Republican, mind you, but furious nonetheless. I would let these Democrat leaders know this through letters to legislators and to papers, e-mails, phone calls, and other means. I would be getting my liberal message out, since my Democrat leadership fails to show the courage to do so. This is not the time to recoil from duty.

Well, in the spirit of bi-partisanship, ChuckChants is helping fill the gap when Democrat leadership goes MIA. Don’t delay; spread the liberal’s message today!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Botched Joke or Continuing Philosophy?

Sen. Kerry tells us that his comment that has caused such a stir is a "botched joke:" " know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't you get stuck in Iraq."

Now the Senator is apologizing to those who "misundertand" the joke. Don't we all feel the love now?

In 1972, Sen. Kerry expressed his philosophy about the American Armed Forces that was not meant to be a joke - botched or otherwise...

Kerry's '72 Army comments mirror latest
Associated Press

WASHINGTON - During a Vietnam-era run for Congress three decades ago, John Kerry said he opposed a volunteer Army because it would be dominated by the underprivileged, be less accountable and be more prone to "the perpetuation of war crimes."

...In 1972, as he ran for the House, he was less apologetic in his comments about the merits of a volunteer army. He declared in the questionnaire that he opposed the draft but considered a volunteer army "a greater anathema."

"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote. "We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'

"Equally as important, a volunteer army with our present constitutional crisis takes accountability away from the president and put the people further from control over military activities," he wrote.

If Sen. Kerry opposed the draft and held the position that a volunteer Army would be an even "greater anathema," what conclusion are we supposed to draw concerning his stance about an American military force and American national security?

These are the politicians Americans will place in majority leadership positions if Democrats are returned to the majority in Congress. America does not deserve this liberal leadership. Vote on November 7th!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Values of the Left

Included below is an excerpt from a Religious Freedom Coalition e-mail update. There is a reference to the Virginia Senate Democrat candidate Jim Webb and the novels he has authored. A link is included that takes you to a story about them.

In short, his novels contain some graphic and demeaning caricatures of other people and cultures, especially women, African-Americans, and South-East Asians. They include some descriptions of acts of pedophilia.

As you have no doubt noticed, there is no media uproar, as there was with the issue surrounding (now former) Sen. Foley (R-Fla) and messages to Congressional pages. And, of course, academic liberals are defending Mr. Webb's literary "rights."

Perhaps exposing excerpts from a Congressional candidate's novel written years prior to a campaign is not pertinent to the issues today. Each individual can make that determination. What I consider the irony of this, though, is the certainty of a media frenzy had the novelist been the Republican candidate. It most certainly would have made headlines as an election values issue.

What does this tell me about Democrat values? Whereas the controversy surrounding former Sen. Foley (R-Fla) resulted in sharp criticism from Republican politicians and constituents and in his resignation, values such as pornography, homosexuality, and even references to pedophilia are embraced by the Democrat Party. These are their values; therefore, it is not a news event when a Democrat candidate expresses them.

The left and/or the Democrat Party have attempted to raise the bar on values issues in this campaign. So, let's take stock of a few of the values of the left and/or Democrat Party:

(1) As already noted, they embrace the homosexual agenda and other groups committed to sexual debauchery including even adult-child sexual relationships. The San Francisco "Gay Pride" parade, in which Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) proudly marches, allows the inclusion of open proponents for the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

(2) They value punishing the successful and rewarding the slothful through their tax policies and redistribution of wealth; ie, the welfare state.

(3) They value illegal immigration.

(4) They value abortion from conception to the time of birth.

(5) They value unelected judges who write, not interpret, law from the bench.

(6) They value the removal of Judeo-Christian ethics and moral principles, the foundational cornerstone of the American Constitution, from public life.

These are just a few of the values of the left and/or the Democrat Party. We all know that there have been some significant moral failures and disappointments handed conservatives by Republican leaders, but they are newsworthy and noteworthy because they violate the moral values of their constituents!

I will certainly be voting my values in the 2006 election.


Subject: Week Ending October 27, 2006 - Washington, DC


"A couple of cards have been dealt to the Democrats that could change a lot of things in the last few days before the election. The New Jersey Supreme Court ordered that state's legislature to give "gay couples equal rights" by issuing either marriage licenses or something like them to homosexuals. Traditional marriage amendments are on the ballot in eleven states including Virginia and this last minute decision out of New Jersey is going to drive social conservatives to the polls who had otherwise given up on Republicans.

And in Virginia the details of Senate candidate Jim Webb's novels are just coming out of, shall we say, the closet. Turns out his novels including Fields of Fire and Lost Soldiers are pornographic in nature, depicting wholesale debauchery including sex with children. He depicts blacks and Asians as less than human and his treatment of female characters is horrifying. In other words, his works are typical reading materials for the average liberal who hates God's Word and views sex as the ultimate expression of intellect. (Click here for Webb book story)"

This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office.