Thursday, December 11, 2008


What a wild ride in the markets and economy. Sorry for not posting for a while; the market downturn to new lows plus some other events really put me into a bit of turmoil. I would not be honest if I pretended not to be shaken by the current economic climate and markets.

Nevertheless, all is not without hope. The Christians' faith is in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our ultimate anchor in every storm. I have concerns, but I also have Christ. Better yet, Christ has me.

The markets continue to be a concern to those who have saved and invested for their future. It has definitely been a tough, disappointing ride in just a three month time span. Still, after its dip below the 8,000 level, the Dow Jones Industrial Average returned above that level where it is showing some stability. I remain concerned and spooked, but I am trying to regain my own stability and work on recovery from the downturn. I remain positive that applying my lessons learned will assist greatly in recovering from this turmoil.