Monday, May 22, 2006

Not Going to be Defeated

Does this look like a defeated American soldier in Iraq?

I didn't think so, either. Yet, the American left continues to carry on about how demoralized our forces are; how demoralized the Iraqi people are; and how demoralized the American citizens are.

By all appearances, the only Americans defeated by al-Qaeda and other Islamo-terrorists are... the left!

Our forces in Iraq are working hard to achieve victory on the battlefield and with the rebuilding of Iraq. The Iraqi people bravely vote, withstand Islamo-terrorist attacks, rebuild their nation, and stand up a new government. Patriotic American citizens support the war efforts to defeat a deadly enemy and secure peace.

The next time you feel even a little bit demoralized by American left defeatism, or just want a good ol' solid dose of American pride, surf over to Lainey's Army Chic website. She documents the adventures of the 256th Brigade in Iraq and other locales. This is an award winning (in my opinion) website.

Ooooorah! Go there now!

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