Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Take: Paths to Peace

The current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has prompted nations and world organizations to call for peace. While certainly the desired objective, the methods for achieving peace should be carefully weighed.

If peace is defined as merely the absence of war or any level of armed conflict, then the solution is rather simple and straightforward: (1) accept Islamic totalitarianism espoused by leaders in Iran, Syria, and elsewhere; and (2) dismantle Israel as a Jewish state. These two actions will accomplish the stated objectives of Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic jihad terrorist organizations. Once such objectives are accomplished, their war with Israel and Western civilization will end, and we will enjoy peace.

Now we know that this is a silly notion. Even though armed conflict could have been avoided had Europe accepted the totalitarianism of Hitler's Nazism and Asia/Pacific accepted the totalitarianism of Japan's Imperialism, we would hardly regard that as peace. In spite of this historical reality, there remain those today who believe that peace comes through appeasement with Islamic jihad militants. Liberals initially went ga-ga over Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's May 9th letter to President Bush. "He is extending an opportunity to dialogue. We can't pass up this opportunity to achieve peace," many declared. Actually reading the letter, though, indicates President Ahmadinejad's requirements for peace. His letter concludes, "Liberalism and Western-style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the Liberal democratic systems. We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point -- that is the Almighty God. Undoubtedly through faith in God and the teachings of the prophets, the people will conquer their problems. My question for you is: 'Do you not want to join them?' Mr. President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things."

Accept the enemy's terms, and we will have peace. Yes, a ridiculous notion, but one that is being forwarded in effect by all those who would call for a "cease-fire" in this latest escalation of military action. Israel had not sent bomb-laden terrorists to conduct suicide attacks against civilian targets. Israel had not launched rockets indiscriminately against populated cities. Israel had not called for the destruction and dismantling of any Middle East nation or indigenous population. In fact, Israel recently turned over some of their settlement land to Palestinians. In turn, terrorist actions were increased against Israel.

"Cease-fire" in the Middle East has done nothing but perpetuate the continuation of war (see my previous article). Another "cease-fire" between Israel and its enemies will not result in peace. It will result only in more opportunity for Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist armies to rebuild and re-arm. It will result only in the perpetuation of unprovoked attacks upon Israel and its allies, both real and imagined. It will result, ultimately, only in the escalation of conflict around the world as Islamic holy-warriors continue to probe and find new ways to impose their totalitarian rule upon peaceful people and nations.

The path to peace must be victory. Israel is making that clear today. The Allied forces of World War 2 sought no "cease-fire" in the middle of that war. To have done so would have only provided the enemies then time to regroup and re-arm and continue their murderous aggression. Instead, our leaders then pursued the objective of unconditional surrender from Italy, Germany, and Japan. As a result of that policy, and wise post-war reconstruction policies, we have not had to re-fight those wars once fought. To believe that anything else except victory - both militarily and diplomatically - in our current conflict will lead to peace is irrational. Without the resolve to dismantle our enemies' power to do harm to Israel, America, or any other nation seeking peaceful existence, this war will be fought for a long time to come.

(Photo: Hezbollah Army parade July 14, 2006)


Bryan Alexander said...

Excellent Post!

Also, many Americans do not realize that the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict is much bigger that just those two groups. There is an article in the UK Times Online that calls Israel an "American proxy" and quotes a Syrian Cabinet minister who "makes it clear that the war in Lebanon today is between 'the forces of Islam and America, with Israel acting as an American proxy.'"

I heard several callers to the Rush Limbaugh Show today who complained that we were not "winning the hearts and minds" of Muslims. The fact is that we will never win the hearts and minds of radical Islam and the only way to win this war is to defeat them.

ChuckL said...


That is the unfortunate reality, I believe. I know that your nor I nor the vast majority of Americans do not want to war with anyone, but those totalitarian crazies keep coming along to ruin our day. If they are not dealt with decisively, then they will deal with us and our allies.

Reda said...

"My question for you is: 'Do you not want to join them?' Mr. President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things."

Come on don't be silly.
You know he is taking about chrestian religion, that's what he has been talking about for all of the letter. nad you take this little part and try to exploit it to make it say what it doesn't.
Usually, people talk like that out of ignorance, but as you have the link for the full etter, the only conclusion is you're a liar, you chose this part to push for something you have the evidence it is wrong.

Anyway, I think the iranian president made a really wise move here: Talking, communication. He focused on the things that unites him and the president (monotheist religion), and initiated dialog through that. And really dialog IS what's needed for peace. NOT eliminating the "evil terrorists", NOT resigning to the most extreme views, but understanding the other, and making him understand you.