Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Solution to Environmental Crises: Eliminate Humans!

Well, the land of left-believe keeps rolling, everyone, this time from the environmentalist arena. As has been pointed out often, the agenda of radical environmentalism is no secret. They are more than willing to share their goals with anyone and everyone who gives them an audience. And leave it to long-time leftwing-biased media to provide such wingnuts a forum to express their kooky ideas and giving them the illusion of legitimacy.

On this occasion, legitimacy is extended by Newsweek. And once again, radical environmentalists proffer their solution to global warming and everything environmental: eliminate humans. That's right - eliminate humans and the earth will once again return to the perfect state it was meant to be. Never mind that these are some of the same environmentalists who grieve without ceasing the prospect of the elimination of any species. According to them, it is a travesty and environmental disaster for any species to go extinct. It upsets the balance of every ecosystem imaginable. Yet, here they are quivering with excitement over the prospect of the extinction of the human race.

These kooks are asylum material, but modern media tries to give them a forum for credibility. Unbelievable!

(start quote)

...There's even a group trying to bring it about, the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, whose Web site calls on people to stop having children altogether. And now the journalist Alan Weisman has produced, if not a bible, at least a Book of Revelation, "The World Without Us," which conjures up a future something like ... well, like the area around Chernobyl, the Russian nuclear reactor that blew off a cloud of radioactive steam in 1986. In a radius of 30 kilometers, there are no human settlements—just forests that have begun reclaiming fields and towns, home to birds, deer, wild boar and moose...
(end quote)

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