Friday, December 07, 2007

December 7, 1941 – A Day of Infamy

Today is December 7th. It is the day to remember the devastating unprovoked attack on American forces at Pearl Harbor by the nation of Imperial Japan. It is the day to remember that Japan’s action plunged America into all-out military war with the evil forces of Imperialism, Fascism, and Nazism. It is the day to remember mournfully the tremendous sacrifice in lives that had to go into defeating these evil regimes. America confronted Pearl Harbor not with retreat, but with a determination to overcome totalitarian threats faced by the entire world. It is a day to remember that.

Oh, how I wish that the history of that day and the subsequent years would be remembered today. For America, and the world, once more faces the serious threat of murderous totalitarianism. For more than six years now, we have engaged deadly forces that would seek to place the world under their particular rule. Reality demonstrates the brutality that our current enemies use to maintain their control of regions under their domain. They are every bit as brutal, cruel, murderous, and dangerous as their Imperialist and Fascist predecessors.

On December 8, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress requesting declaration of war against Japan. In a short time, America also declared war on Germany and Italy because of their declarations of war against America. Americans waged unlimited warfare around the world – even in places that did not declare war on us – that would not end without the unconditional surrender of the enemy.

Today, we have a President who comprehends the threat to both America and the world. He is doing everything in his power to defeat that threat, but he is besieged with enemies within who seek to derail the necessary war efforts for the sake of playing partisan politics. In my opinion, there is a very good chance that the “war in Iraq” would be over by now if it were not for the continual interference and harassment from American fifth columnists (“Fifth Columnists Strike Again”)who hold out hope to an enemy that cannot win on the battlefield. They continue to sell their souls to our enemies.

Before the end of World War II, similar politics reared its ugly head. However, America was fortunate enough then to have a hero who chose to place the needs of his nation ahead of partisan politics and the political power it may have given him. I have written of Thomas E. Dewey before, and I still commend him to my readers as a true American hero. It would be encouraging to see similar heroism today.

Today is December 7, 2007, sixty-six years after the attack on Pearl Harbor. May Americans never forget that day in history, and may we always remember with honor those who responded to the call to keep our great nation free from the deadly tyrants who sought to subjugate the whole world. God Bless America!
(Photo: The USS Arizona succumbs to the lethal Japanese bombers during the Pearl Harbor surprise attack)

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