In an address to the National Press Club on April 28, 2008, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. said that “attacks on him are really attacks on the black church… Mr. Wright told the press club audience that the black church in America grew out of the oppression of black people, and that his sermons reflected that struggle.” (The New York Times) In his speech, the Rev. Wright compared U.S. troops to the Roman legions that killed Christ, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and suggested that the AIDS epidemic was a racist plot. (ABC news)
In response, Sen. Barack H. Obama summoned reporters to say he was outraged by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "divisive and destructive" remarks, calling his behavior "outrageous" and a "spectacle." (ABC & AP news)
Has Sen. Barack H. Obama attacked the black church in America?
In response, Sen. Barack H. Obama summoned reporters to say he was outraged by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "divisive and destructive" remarks, calling his behavior "outrageous" and a "spectacle." (ABC & AP news)
Has Sen. Barack H. Obama attacked the black church in America?