Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saving the Planet

Recent articles and columns move me to jump onboard the Earth day-environmentalism-global warming bandwagon. I have some further ideas about reducing greenhouse gasses.

First, eliminate all amusement parks. Except for selfish entertainment, they serve no useful purpose yet burn up massive amounts of carbon-generating megawatts every operational day. Everyone concerned about global warming should want to protest, not attend, these bigfoot carbon footprint generators.

Second, ban NASCAR, IRL, and all other forms of auto racing. How much greenhouse gasses must these operations generate? Do we really want to strand polar bears on melting polar icecaps just so folks can watch some cars going around in circles?

Third, limit the number of movies that can be produced annually and the amount of time that consumers can spend watching movies and television. Instead of creating and contributing to environmental hazards, we could redirect our time to, say, cleaning up a neighborhood.

Fourth, allow commercial planes to depart only when they have been completely filled. No use dumping all that fossil fuel exhaust directly into the atmosphere with partially filled planes. And eliminate first-class passenger sections in order to increase the carrying capacity. We have to be energy efficient.

These are just a few of my ideas to contribute to the global warming solution. They are a wee bit drastic, but, after all, we have to save the planet. What global warming alarmist could disagree with my proposals? Thank goodness that we have prospective presidential candidates this time around who are not afraid to talk about the draconian policies that need to be implemented in order to halt and reverse global warming terrorism.


SkyePuppy said...

As an add-on to the third point, we need to ban all award shows, because of the limos, the news & entertainment media vehicles, the electricity used for lighting those extravaganzas, and all the hot air put out by the stars and their entourages.

Great post!

ChuckL said...

Good one that is spot on the money. I'm adding it to my list.

I hope others will share their insights that will lead to reversing global warming - or at least the hot air about it.
