Friday, July 25, 2008

Herr Obama Enamors Germans

Well, well, well. The Sen. Barack H. Obama was simply adored in Germany. He addressed about 200,000 people, plus all who saw and heard the broadcasts, in Berlin. A great accomplishment, isn’t it?

I don’t know. After all, Germans have gotten excited over charismatic leaders and packed into stadiums before. They have laid their hope at the foot of a leader who promised great hope and change before.

Making plans for the Democrat national convention, the Sen. Barack H. Obama has disdainfully announced that he would not accept his party’s nomination from the convention floor:

At the Democratic National Convention next month, we're going to kick off the general election with an event that opens up the political process the same way we've opened it up throughout this campaign. Barack has made it clear that this is your convention, not his. On Thursday, August 28th, he's scheduled to formally accept the Democratic nomination in a speech at the convention hall in front of the assembled delegates. Instead, Barack will leave the convention hall and join more than 75,000 people for a huge, free, open-air event where he will deliver his acceptance speech to the American people. (email from David Plouffe, Campaign Manager, Obama for America, 7/7/08)

Just wonderful. The Sen. Barack H. Obama is so in touch with the common people. No big time political party apparatus for him.

So what is that little warning buzz I keep hearing in the back of my head? Oh yeah, it’s that fill the stadium thing he’s got going again. Funny how history keeps teaching us that political figures who like to fill stadiums turn out to be fascists and totalitarians. This isn’t entertainment, remember. This is the man who, if elected to the office of President of the United States, has a big say in how government runs our lives. Think logically; vote accordingly.

(photos: upper left, the Sen. Barack H. Obama in Berlin, 7/24/08; upper right, Benito Mussolini wows the crowd in Rome; lower right, Germans honor Hitler at the Olympic games; lower left, Adolph Hitler speaks in the Berlin auditorium.)


SkyePuppy said...

I saw reports that the crowd size estimates grew from 20,000 just minutes before the speech to 200,000 at the end. Photos of the crowd look as though the first estimates are correct.

Plus, I heard (it may have been tongue-in-cheekm, but didn't sound like it) that there was a concert scheduled for right after his speech. It's not the first time Obama opened for a concert that the MSM failed to mention.

ChuckL said...

Well, that's interesting. Reminds of the Cindy Sheehan protests in Crawford where certain "extemporaneous" photo shots were exposed as staged. And the anti-war demonstrations before Afghanistan and/or Iraq where aerial photos showed that maybe, just maybe, the numbers of protestors were a bit exaggerated by Big Media.