Thursday, August 07, 2008

Unseasonably Cool in a Globally Warmed World

I know that global warming alarmists reply to weather reports like this with comments about how local conditions do not negate global warming trends. In fact, they have cornered the market on all meteorology & weather conditions by being allowed to blame every weather phenomenon on global warming: floods, droughts, record high temperatures, record low temperatures, active hurricane seasons, inactive hurricane seasons, ad nauseum. So I know that the weather report I received for my area today does not validate any argument against global warming.

Tonight our low will drop down around 60 and by Saturday our high will be just 79 degrees as a large area of high pressure moves into Indiana. This time last year it was very hot and muggy for state fair goers, but that won't be the case this year. This weekend we'll have perfect weather for the fair as it's looking to be nice and dry with unseasonably cool temperatures. -- "Is This August?," Chief Meteorologist Chris Wright, WTHR, Indianapolis, Indiana, 8/7/08

So, fair enough; this local report does not refute global warming. But, why then, is it legitimate for global warming alarmists to point to weather patterns & reports in localities experiencing extended & record heat waves? If local areas experiencing below normal temperatures are invalid in the global warming debate, then are not local above normal temperatures just as invalid?

And, I admit to a lack of understanding how, in a world that is warming, there can continue to be new record low temperatures? I mean, yes, there will still be periods of cold temperatures, but should they not be higher instead of lower cool temperatures? So how are we in Indiana privileged to these cooler temperatures in August in a world of rising temperature?

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