Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When Liberals Collide - Part Tres

I am seeing more liberal ideologies colliding. It is inevitable. As a result, one question to be raised is what happens when liberal special interests can no longer get along? I admit that it is fun to watch them slap each other silly. But that's just me.

This time, conflict arises between auto union interests and environmentalist interests. The article taken from The Detroit News is by Manny Lopez, auto editor. The issue is that Charles Hurley, nominee to run the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), has resigned. Writes Mr. Lopez, "His offense? Hurley in the 1990s sided with automakers over the safety impacts of downsizing vehicles to increase fuel efficiency. Unfortunately, that's tantamount to slapping someone's mother when it comes to being 'green.'" ("NHTSA nominee withdraws: Green politics is to blame," printed in The Kokomo Tribune, 5/15/09, p. A4)

Mr. Lopez goes on to provide evidence of the prudence of Mr. Hurley's stand. But that matters not to "enviroactivists" (Lopez's term). "No matter, activists want everyone to drive microcars. And they'll take out anyone who suggests otherwise. 'The administration now has an opportunity to name someone committed to both the safety and fuel economy programs that they run,' said Dan Becker, director of the Safe Climate Campaign. Translation: Vet all candidates through us before appointing your own people. Silly president." (ibid.)

So the power grabs are in full swing. President Obama has a lot of special interests to pay bakc, and they aren't all playing on the same team. In spite of his stated billing as the "great unifier," he has created some pretty inriguing King Kong vs Godzilla (or Alien vs Predator, for the younger mindsets) scenarios out there.

"But it sounds like [Hurley] was thrown under the bus by activists who want to run the auto industry and that doesn't bode well for the president's alleged interests in helping Detroit's car companies survive." (ibid.) Well, Mr. Lopez, I hope that you have received this news flash: "Obama plans to announce on Tuesday that he will couple pollution reduction from vehicle tailpipes with increased efficiency on the road. It would be the first time that limits on greenhouse gases were linked with federal standards for passenger cars and light trucks." (Assoc. Press, "Obama set to link m.p.g., emission standards," The Kokomo Tribune, 5/19/09, p. A1) Sounds like there will be even more qualified nominees thrown under the bus.

Wait'll you see where the liberal collision is next time!

Let the games begin!

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