Monday, September 07, 2009

Giving Up Freedom

In a discussion over at Peter Heck's website (go to the article "Jesus the Socialist?"), participants are reflecting on the purpose of the proposed healthcare changes. It has occurred to me that if the goal of all these proposals are truly matters of compassion, then why do so many seem so willing to fall prey to one of the greatest sources of uncompassionate behavior known to mankind: consolidated power? History is littered with the sad refuse of humanity who have been trodden beneath the feet of uncontrolled power. In every instance that I know of, the source of unbridled, immoral power emanates from a government's control. Does anyone really need me to provide the specific examples? Now, the most free people in the history of mankind are seriously debating whether or not to voluntarily surrender significant liberties for more government control. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Have we really become this insane?

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