Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Will This Ever Stop?

I'll get right to it...

"No one will know until this is actually in place how it works." Senate banking committee chair Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., on the financial regulatory bill he helped craft. He added, "This is about as important as it gets, because it deals with every aspect of our lives." (cited in World, 7/17/2010, p. 16)

Maybe someone else can provide some commentary, because I am speechless at such obvious empty-headedness.

(I know that the poster photo is not Sen. Dodd, but we keep getting closer to tyranny with idiotic legislation like this.)


Tsofah said...

Scarey, isn't it?

ChuckL said...

It certainly is. The inevitably negative consequences of an expanding government are right before our eyes today in the vast majority of the world, but libs still insist that we need MORE government intervention. The same folks who like to squawk about ogvernment's "intrusion into their bedrooms" never have a negative word to say about government's intrusion into my pocket. In fact, they just get mad at me for being cruel and heartless.

Take care!