Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Love Love

I'm not hangin' out trying to catch all of the Republican National convention, so it's great having media resources like YouTube to catch some highlights. And what a highlight this one is!
My understanding is that Big Media (FoxNews excepted) is having nothing to do with Mia Love. Instead, Big Media will probably try to give her the Palin treatment.
After listening to her, though, I say that every American should love Love!

Monday, August 27, 2012

2016 Expanded Showings Nationwide

I have not seen "2016:Obama's America," but some who have seen it have told me about it. When I first looked it up, it was limited engagements and not showing in my area. I read in today's paper that the showings have expanded nationwide. The link is to the theater locations on the movie's website. I hear that "Hollywood" is perplexed that anyone would pay to see such a movie.
I will hopefully get to it, although I don't make many movies.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Libs Really in an Apple

As of today, Apple, Inc. is the most valuable company in the history of the world!
At the close of trading on 8/20/2012, the market capitalization of Apple, Inc. is $623.5 billion! They're still a little short of the cash needed to bail out the United States of America, but that's still a big pile of cash. To say the least.
Now this puts liberals everywhere in a real pickle. The authentic liberal despises market economies and their resultant profits. At the same time, Apple is not Big Oil, Big Tobacco, or Big Pharma. Like Big Media, it is one of them, only with profits. Humongous, ginormous profits.
And libs love the products. How many fine citizens in the land of left-believe are going to turn their backs on the iPhone 5? Hypoccupiers across the land will be occupying Apple stores on the day of the release. And they won't be burning them down; they'll be acting like every other capitalist. They will be buying a popular product from a profitable company. And they'll be paying a pretty penny for it... whether it is their money they are using or someone else's. Mark my words, there will be plenty of Apple product representation present at any of the next hypoccupier protests.
And to make them squirm in their hypocrisy even more (if that is possible to do with soulless, morally confused folks), let us not neglect that Apple products require petroleum products, mined products, and overseas labor. Apple, Inc. makes deals with Wall Street bankers. Apple executives, and maybe quite a few tiers of employees, qualify as the left's targeted enemy; to wit, the one percenters.
Everything about Apple, Inc. should make it rank as enemy number one in the land of left-believe.
But they can't pull the trigger to occupy Apple.
Poor libs...
What a pickle... I mean, Apple.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Government vs Charity

What is it that causes this much arrogance to be paraded about by our governments these days?

A Pennsylvania woman has vowed to continue doling out free lunches to children in her hardscrabble neighborhood, even though officials there have threatened to fine her $600 a day.

Angela Prattis, 41, was ordered by the Chester Township Council to wind down the makeshift dining room she runs in the driveway of her modest home during the summer for the hungry kids who come to her daily in search of a good meal. Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.

Read more: Mom vows to keep feeding needy kids from her driveway despite city crackdown


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why Do Liberals Love Russia?

Would someone remind me once more why liberals have, and have had historically, such a love affair with Russia/Soviet Union?

Russia's female punk band protesters jailed for two years

(BTW, Joseph McCarthy was correct; if anything, McCarthy's investigations underestimated the number of Soviet agents and operatives in America during the 1950s).

Friday, August 17, 2012

What if President Barack Hussein Obama could rule the Olympics like he is trying to rule America?

Take a look!

That's Why They're Professionals

Following up with the shooting at the Family Research Center. Nary a word received from my news headline emails. OK, admittedly, I am subscribed only to FOXNews and MarketWatch breaking news alerts. I notice on the news section of my homepage that the LA Times has a headline about it. Nevertheless, I know from past experience that shootings light up the news wires like crazy.

Unless it's a declared lib shooting up a conservative organization's office. Apparently.

Obviously, that's why they are PROFESSIONAL journalists. Unlike you and me, they know what important news really is... such as when they create dots that don't exist so that they connect every tragedy to the TEA Party.

Once again from commentary posted by GOPUSA:

Suspect in Family Research Council shooting was LGBT volunteer

Obama Defends Biden's 'Chains' Remark, Silent on Left-wing Shooter

Shooter: 'I don't like your politics'

And a great observation by a reader: "I think I missed the story where Obama called Leo Johnson on the phone and told him he was a hero.  Can someone forward that to me?"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Big Media Yawns

Anyone get any reports about this shooting?

Shooting Occurs at Conservative Think Tank

Even though the article cites FOX News and AP reports, I received no headline email about it at all. I haven't seen or heard it turn up prominently in my normal news sources. If it weren't for the GOPUSA article linked above, I would not know it happened.

What if it had happened at an abortion clinic or a homosexual organization's office? Might we have heard about it then?

Just sayin'...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Help Fair Tax Go Viral

I know there are hundreds to thousands of issues out there to keep us occupied.

I don't know if you care for the Fair Tax proposal or not... or know anything about it.

I simply ask that you go to the YouTube link as asked below. Nothing more.

If you are in favor of the Fair Tax proposal, share the request with as many others a you see fit.

I would not ask if I did not think it worth doing.

I won't waste your time, but I have an urgent request.
Would you take just four minutes to help our cause?
We need thousands of Americans to discover the FairTax video, and the way we do that is to rapidly get as many views on YouTube as possible. The more people that view it, the moreprominently it will be displayed. Would you help us by immediately viewing the video so it goes viral across the internet? Please note, you will only be counted if you watch it to the end.
Just click below to watch, “FairTax: Fire Up Our Economic Engine.”

Cynthia T. Canevaro
Campaign Manager
Americans For Fair Taxation



Wednesday, August 08, 2012

America Loses in Obamalympics

A local newspaper carried a superb letter to the editor. We vote for either American success or dismal failure. And just to erase any uncertainty: a vote for Barack Hussein Obama is a vote for dismal failure.

Read, enjoy, and share!

America only loses in Obama Olympics

Gold medals redistributed. New world records disavowed. Long hours of training and preparation discredited. In fact, athletes themselves don’t qualify for participation through their own efforts, but instead are chosen by the preferences of others under the guise of “fairness.” These are just some of the effects of an Obama Olympics.

Imagine spending years of your life training arduous and grueling hours with the singular purpose of being able to perform at the highest levels of competition, oftentimes to the detriment of other facets of your life and forgoing many other opportunities, subsequently to be told that your accomplishments were really only the result of others – like those who built the pool, track or training facility in which you trained, or those who erected the bridge you crossed to get to the gym at 3 o’clock in the morning year after year, or those who laid the asphalt for the road you traversed before spending 10 or 11 or more hours a day training for your “overnight” success. Imagine attaining your victory and being awarded the gold medal, only to have it redistributed to others because someone had a different view of competitive fairness. Imagine performing at a level never before achieved and setting a new world record only to have someone disavow your accomplishment because others are not identically situated – in mind, body or soul.

Imagine having the will to do whatever it took to succeed only to have “competitive” participation determined by governing body preference, not individual performance. These are just some of the effects of an Obama Olympics.

Yes, stadiums must be built and coaches must coach, but it is the athlete who must perform! In fact, most athletes never attain great glory; most training is never awarded a gold medal; most world records never last; and yes, most success entails a portion of divine luck. Why is it then that these athletes work so long and hard – with the risk of failure far greater than the reward of success? It is their passion, drive and determination that sets them apart from all others – win or lose … mostly lose! And still they compete!

When doubt is allowed to creep into the minds of the American competitive spirit – the result is an Obama Olympics! When America’s perceived economic or social position atop the medal podium is not assured, when America’s reign as the world’s premier military superpower is uncertain, and maybe most troubling of all, when one American generation questions its ability to hand a better “life baton” to its children – when these doubts are allowed to be exploited, the result is an Obama Olympics.

America, you were never guaranteed success – failure was always a risk – from the days of George Washington to Henry Ford to Michael Phelps! The difference today is you have a coach exploiting your doubts – a coach who wants you to believe that it is his efforts, not yours, that will lead to your triumph.

If America succumbs to this self-doubt and loathing, it is not a gold medal or a guarantee to be standing atop the world’s medal podium that will be lost – no, what is being exploited from America today is its spirit, its competitive soul and belief in itself, the ability to provide hope to a world of humanity, that against all odds, individuals have unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness!

America, you aren’t in need of a self-proclaimed winner, you are in need of a champion and a renewed mutual pledge to your Lives, your Fortunes, and your sacred Honor! God Bless America!

Matt W. Reedy, Kokomo
Kokomo Tribune; Kokomo, Indiana; Letter to the Editor: Aug. 8, 2012

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Economy Languishes So President Plays

The United States remains stuck with the weakest economic recovery since World War II." For 42 months, the U.S. unemployment rate has remained above 8%. It has risen to 8.3% once more.

What is our President's response to this devastating economy? Well, it's HIS birthday, so he comes off the CAMPAIGN TRAIL to celebrate with a round of golf and a helicopter trip to the presidential retreat at Camp David.

Need I say more?

The TEA pot is simmerin'.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Don't Chant USA!

This has been a great week to get the liberal message out to everyone. Mayors of two major American cities, Boston and Chicago, threaten to curtail Chick-fil-A operations if they can because president and chief operating officer Dan Cathy affirmed to an interviewer that he is "very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit." In response to these and other Democrat liberals, hundreds of thousands of Americans responded to a Chick-fil-A appreciation day on Wednesday. On Friday, homosexual advocates, raging with anger over Mr. Cathy's "hateful" remarks, responded with "kiss-in" protests. Let's see, hundreds of thousands of American go to Chick-fil-A to do what people do at restaurants - order their meals and eat - and libs go to take up space and kiss. Yeah, it's their middle-finger "take that, America" moment. But, hey, that's the message that the liberals want Americans to know.

Now, during the most well-known international sporting event held, the Olympics, David Sirota, writing at, declares that liberals should not be chanting, "U.S.A.!" Yes, he means American liberals.

And yet, as I’ve grown older, I find my “U.S.A.!”-chanting reflex increasingly interrupted by pangs of discomfort, and not because I’m ashamed of our country or our Olympians, but because the relationship between American nationalism and the Olympics has been slowly infused with a different — and politicized — meaning. In short, chanting the initials of our nation seems less like it did in 1984 than it has since 1992.

Actually, Mr. Sirota DOES mean that we are to be ashamed of our great nation:

The hyper-patriotism surrounding the modern Olympics, then, is just a reflection of that national character. When that TV screen flashes the list of athletes and we inevitably profile the competitors by nation, we do so not just because we experience natural feelings of solidarity with fellow countrymen. We likely do so also because of that deeper desire to publicly showcase American preeminence — a desire we’ve been programmed to haughtily express since the end of the Cold War, a desire we’re led to believe we must express in this “love it or leave it” era for fear of being labeled traitors.
Missed in the ensuing red-white-and-blue hoopla, of course, is the fact that we are not so exceptional outside the Olympic village.


This is what passes for patriotism in the land of left-believe. Try not to forget that the next time you have a chance for voting for the men and women who hope to lead and shape this nation in accordance with their expressed ideologies.

Chick-Fil-A Day Follow Up

A write up by Todd Starnes gives some descriptions of plans to counter support for Chick-Fil-A. Watch the two minute embedded video to see a "non-hateful" response to this "hateful" corporation. The young lady at the window displayed remarkable composure.

Then, fast moving news circulating about Chick-Fil-A day reveals that Adam Smith's hate-filled rant (watch the video mentioned above) directed toward the young lady staffing a Chick-Fil-A drive thru window had consequences. Turns out, HIS employer did not like it...

Tucson executive loses job after confronting Chick-fil-A worker

Swift justice, to be sure. Many folks are probably applauding. But I doubt that anyone at Chick-Fil-A, especially executives, are hoping that anyone lose a job over any of this. They are just running a business to the best of their abilities. And they are successful at it.

I was thnking, though, how amazing - as in amazing grace - it would be if Chick-Fil-A execs offered him a job. Maybe not practical or even possible, but a thought anyway.

Liberals: self-declared heros of tolerance, fairness, and civility. Great with words, and then they act. Time for my bumper sticker reminder...

How to anger a conservative: Tell her a lie.
How to anger a liberal: Tell him the truth.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Marxist Label Is Adequate

Cary Brunswick writes that calling someone a “Marxist” alone does not make a valid argument. Yet in our world of brief letters to the editor, tweets, and sound bite media, expressions must be succinct. The use of widely known and accepted “buzzwords,” however inadequate, is a necessity.

Happily, Mr. Brunswick, who openly and eagerly appropriates the label “Marxist” for himself, provides meaning to the word within his own column. He first attempts to describe Karl Marx’s ideology positively: “In reality, Marx was all about working people obtaining freedom from inhumane conditions that left them with little else in lives that were destitute and joyless, and the freedom to do what they do best and satisfy their basic human needs.” All well and good, but he later reveals how Marxism is actually implemented: “Universal health care would have appealed to Marx because he thought a strong central government was needed to plan a nation’s economy so industries produced the products that enlightened leaders thought the society needed.” Read that again, and let its full impact sink in. It is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that Marxism’s central planning mandate does not give way to the “freedom to do what they do best.” Think Cuba, for instance.

Mr. Brunswick admits that Marxism is associated with “dictators who squelched people’s freedoms,” but he attributes that to “transitions forced on societies that were not prepared for them.” Free societies are never “prepared” for Marxism; at least, not if they seek to remain free. So perhaps Mr. Brunswick should check back in ten thousand years to see if societies have become prepared for Marxism. In the meantime, as clarified by Mr. Brunswick, calling a proponent of central economic planning a “Marxist” alone is a most adequate argument.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Day a Success!

Unfortunately, I do not have a Chick-Fil-A in my vicinity, or I would have gone today. As it is, we have vowed to go to one when we can. Nevertheless, support Chick-Fil-A day appears to be wildly successful. According to the newscast from Lafayette, there was a line at the store most of the day and cars lined up along SR 26 to get in.I have seen and heard other reports from other places around the state and country that indicate similar results.

I don't want to be overconfident, because that can breed carelessness and unintentional apathy. But this is a good sign. When liberals lay their ideas and plans out in the open daylight, Americans understand them for what they are... and they reject them. Americans reject tyranny.

Where did the "support Chick-Fil-A day" come from? CEO Dan Cathy made some comments concerning Biblical, traditional marriage in an interview on a Christian station. Somehow, the tolerate-everyone-except-conservative-Christian crowd got hold of it and sent it viral. An example of "hate speech," you see. Even the Muppets got into the act as Lisa Henson pulled its business relationship with Chick-Fil-A. So some businesses and some people choose not to patronize Chick-Fil-A because of the values forwarded by the company's CEO and employees. That's freedom of choice.

But two Mayors of American cities decided to politicize the whole affair. Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston and Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago both stated in their respective ways that they would like to keep Chick-Fil-A out of their cities. Mayor Emanuel even had the audacity to say that the Chick-Fil-A values are not "Chicago values." Actually, we can breathe a sigh of relief there. As Ben Shapiro remarked, "'Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago's values,' said Emanuel of a city in which dead people vote and live people dodge bullets." Government leadership using the force of government to damage a legitimate business? That's tyranny! I suggest that Boston's Freedom Trail has no place for Mayor Menino, but plenty of room for a Chick-Fil-A (see Ben Shapiro's article for context).

As Americans wake up to the reality that liberals intend to impose their immorality on every American man, woman, and child; as they wake up to the reality that they intend to eliminate the Christian faith in America; and as they wake up to the reality that liberal politicians intend to use government force as much as possible to damage commerce with whom they disagree, then they respond in reasonable support and fashion for what is right.

I close with two Rush in a hurry comments:

"August 1st, 2012. It is our 24th anniversary here at the EIB Network, starting our 25th year today of talking about and celebrating the wonder of America. Also happening on August 1st, the Chick-fil-A Revolution. Supporting the right to voice your religious beliefs. That's what this is about. You have two Democrat mayors who essentially said Christians aren't desired in our towns." – Rush

"I'll tell you what's gonna happen on November 6th, Obama's gonna get Chick-fil-A'd himself." – Rush

The TEA kettle is on, and it's simmerin'.