As of today, Apple, Inc. is the most valuable company in the history of the world!
At the close of trading on 8/20/2012, the market capitalization of Apple, Inc. is $623.5 billion! They're still a little short of the cash needed to bail out the United States of America, but that's still a big pile of cash. To say the least.
Now this puts liberals everywhere in a real pickle. The authentic liberal despises market economies and their resultant profits. At the same time, Apple is not Big Oil, Big Tobacco, or Big Pharma. Like Big Media, it is one of them, only with profits. Humongous, ginormous profits.
And libs love the products. How many fine citizens in the land of left-believe are going to turn their backs on the iPhone 5? Hypoccupiers across the land will be occupying Apple stores on the day of the release. And they won't be burning them down; they'll be acting like every other capitalist. They will be buying a popular product from a profitable company. And they'll be paying a pretty penny for it... whether it is their money they are using or someone else's. Mark my words, there will be plenty of Apple product representation present at any of the next hypoccupier protests.
And to make them squirm in their hypocrisy even more (if that is possible to do with soulless, morally confused folks), let us not neglect that Apple products require petroleum products, mined products, and overseas labor. Apple, Inc. makes deals with Wall Street bankers. Apple executives, and maybe quite a few tiers of employees, qualify as the left's targeted enemy; to wit, the one percenters.
Everything about Apple, Inc. should make it rank as enemy number one in the land of left-believe.
But they can't pull the trigger to occupy Apple.
Poor libs...
What a pickle... I mean, Apple.