Thursday, September 13, 2012


In about three months, militant atheists are going to ramp up their assaults on Christianity. They will purchase space on billboards and other advertising venues mocking Jesus and those who claim to believe in him. I have every reason to believe that my money would be quite safe if I bet that no government official will make any apology to any Christian offended by the hateful messages of these radical atheists. There will surely be no statement of concern such as, "Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy." Crucifixes placed upside-down in bottles of urine are, after all, part of American's valued "freedom of speech," and censorship of such "art" is forbidden.
Enter now this administration's response to the assault on our American embassies in Egypt and Libya: "Just who does Barack Obama and his foreign policy team represent? Does he represent Americans and the ideal of freedom of speech? I have to ask, because the attacks against the American Embassies in Egypt and Libya warrant much more from the president of the United States. And, whatever the response, the attacks certainly do not warrant an apology to the attackers!" (Bobby Eberle, "Obama Team Apologizes... to the attackers!" GOPUSA, September 12, 2012) Just think... a week ago Democrats were criticizing Republicans for not paying tribute to veterans at their national convention. Democrats, on the other hand, honored some who claim support for President Obama (complete with a background photo of Soviet ships). Now, they're on a full court pace to placate radicals, make the world more dangerous, and place more American lives - military and civilian - in increasingly greater peril.
Instead of confronting the threat to American interests abroad, and the protection of American lives, this administration and their Big Media minions think it more important to criticize Mitt Romney for his more presidential response to the crisis. That and heading on to Las Vegas for an Obama campaign stop. With so much stress, can we expect some golf thrown in there someplace?
How sad that this world superpower has been reduced to groveling.
Keep the TEA pot simmerin'!

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