Monday, January 22, 2007

Thank You, Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah)

Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) deserves a big THANK YOU from us all. He pushed for an amendment to the Senate version of the ethics and lobbying reform legislation that stripped the provision requiring reporting of “grass-roots” lobbying. What is so significant about this? Glad you asked!

This provision included in the House version of the bill is a direct assault on our First Amendment guarantee to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This provision included in the Rep. Pelosi (D-CA) version makes us all lobbyists and, therefore, in need of reform. “The legislation would make changes to the legal definition of “grassroots lobbying” and require any organization that encourages 500 or more members of the general public to contact their elected representatives to file a report with detailed information about their organization to the government on a quarterly basis.” (Amanda B. Carpenter, “Pelosi Targets Grassroots Freedom of Speech,” 12/18/2006) One can easily see how this is an unnecessary burden that limits our Constitutionally derived freedom to contact our elected representatives. Ironically, the reform bill contains provisions that exempts the organizations that really do employ lobbyists. Read the details in the article on the Human Events site. (See also “Pelosi's Liberal Ally Defends Ethics Bill Targeting Grassroots Communication” by Amanda Carpenter. Click here.)

Again, thank you, Sen. Bennett. Now we need to ensure that it is removed from the final bill.


SkyePuppy said...

I hadn't heard this anywhere else. Thanks for the thanks to the good Senator.

Great post!

ChuckL said...

It was the last paragraph in the printed Kokomo Tribune article. I sent the Senator my own thanks via his website.

Thank you for your comment!