Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Religion of Peace at It Again

Once more, Islamic faithful have demonstrated their odd application of “peace.” The Australian reports that Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, is once again the subject of death threats across the Islamic world: “Eighteen years after the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to kill him, a government minister in Pakistan said yesterday that Rushdie's recent knighthood justified suicide bombing… Hardliners in Iran revived calls for Rushdie's murder yesterday. Mehdi Kuchakzadeh, a Tehran MP, declared: ‘Rushdie died the moment the late imam (Ayatollah Khomeini) issued the fatwa.’”

This declaration is more than a death threat; it is a declaration of Rushdie’s legal status within Islam. By declaring Rushdie already “dead,” no Muslim will be charged by Islam law with murder because it is impossible to murder a “dead” man. Great legal system, huh? Great way to address political and religious differences.

But, hey, this is the “religion of peace.” This is the only religion in the world not currently engaged in holy war. Well, if you listen to certain sectors of American society, this is the case. To all you moderate Muslims out there, especially moderate Imams, scholars, and political leaders: what are you doing to negate the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, protest Islamic threats against Great Britain, and implement Islamic solutions that are actually peaceful?


Anonymous said...

Add to that..
1. The documentary our tax dollars refused to show (PBS) but FOX did... about the few Moslums that are actually against JIAD.
2. The current push by our liberal friends in congress to have "equal time" on radio. (In other words wipe out Rush and Shaun)
3. The ACLU's latest push to have tax money pay for mats so Muslum students an pray to kill us.
4. The Republicans seem to be in hiding, or at least the media makes it appear that way.....
5. No one seems to be concerned that Congress has done more to help impede free speech, tax us more, and make us feel guilty for being successful than the British Monarcy ever thought of doing to us in 1776..................

If this keeps up, be concerned about a push to have "micro chips" installed on all new babies and anyone doing business with the government...................... Maybe we need to start running for ofice ourselves....

ChuckL said...

All valid issues that need to be examined and brought to the light of the public forum. Thank you for your response.