Saturday, February 21, 2009


I apologize for not keeping up with my blog.

I especially apologize to those who have this blog as a link on their own site.

I haven't intended to be so lax, but I have been keeping up with a number issues. And, I admit, I have gone through periods of "down" times where I have had to work through some unmotivation.

I don't know how consistent I'll be - this, after all, is a past time & hobby - and it is secondary to my responsibilities. But I could be doing better. And I'll try.

So, again, my apology.


SkyePuppy said...

Ouch! I haven't been visiting in a while...

ChuckL said...

No need for you to apologize; I wasn't posting anything to keep visitors coming back.

Now your blog is actually meaningful. :)