Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Facing the Music

The quarters from which America's beloved President Obama is receiving criticism are surprising. Criticism is coming from supporters...

Juan Williams of National Public Radio: "The problem here is this is an administration that, as Hillary Clinton famously pointed out [during the primary campaign], you may not want to answer the 3 a.m. call. These are guys who have tremendous vision about legislative achievements and specific things like healthcare, going forward on immigration, those difficult issues... But when it comes to the crisis, when it comes to the Gulf oil spill, the wars, the recession, they feel as if it's being imposed on them, rather than taking the helm. That's what Americans are sensing right now... Are you able to handle a crisis in a convincing way that inspires confidence? And so far, the president hasn't done that."

No disagreement there.

Nicholas Kristof in The New York Times: "Let's hope I'm wrong, but I fear that myopic policies by the Obama administration and its allies may lay the groundwork for a catastrophe in the Sudan."

Catastrophe in the Sudan? Nick, try catastrophe in America. But we do see your point.

Frank Rich, also The New York Times: "Unlike his unflappable temperament, his lingering failings should and could be corrected. And they must be if his presidency is not just to rise above the 24/7 Spill-cam but to credibly seize the narrative that Americans have craved ever since he was elected during the most punishing economic downturn of our lifetime. We still want to believe that Obama is on our side, willing to fight those bad corporate actors who cut corners and gambled recklessly while regulators slept, Congress raked in contributions, and we got stuck with the wreckage and the bills. But his leadership style keeps sowing confusion about his loyalties, puncturing holes in the powerful tale he could tell."

Not even the liberal lingo and slant can buoy the president up.

And how about this from no less than Maureen Dowd? "Now that some in the press have turned against him, Obama is proving very thin skinned... It hurts Obama to be a crybaby about it, and to blame the press and the 'old Washington game' for his own communication failures... Obama was always aloof and distrustful of the press despite the fact that most adored him during the campaign."

So members of the liberal media are awakening to the reality of BHO that have been disclosed by conservative observers all along. Wonders never cease!

As much as I might have chafed at the liberal drivel from a Hillary Clinton administration, I honestly believe that she would never, ever be trying to sell out and destroy America like this president is doing.

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