Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Lawyer-Politician

President Obama’s complete lack of leadership capability is on full display as the Gulf oil spill debacle continues unabated. The president is demonstrating that we have a lawyer-politician instead of a leader in the White House. The most he has been able to muster has been to follow the old playbook of the lawyer-politician: attempt to deflect criticism, demonize, and threaten. In a Bloomberg article from June 15 (“BP may lose oil leases”), there are indications that President Obama is considering taking steps to prevent BP from doing business in America. I do not see how this is helpful at all.

While this is not a call to absolve any of BP’s accountability in this disaster, the president of the United States of America needs to stop calling down threats and start working with all parties, BP included, to bring real solutions to the table. This entire incident highlights everything that is wrong with replacing American enterprise and exceptionalism with the liberal’s brand of big government. Instead of allowing the talent, ingenuity, and capabilities of Americans across the nation to provide solutions, everything must be funneled through the big government bureaucracy that is Washington, D.C. We are witnessing the expected consequence… worse than nothing is getting done. Yet, this is the same big government that wants to get bigger through healthcare, energy, and environmental policies. They are going to fix everything that is wrong with America, we are told. Yep, good luck with that.

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