Friday, September 10, 2010

Just a Bit ironic

I caught a part of some ESPN radio while driving yesterday. They reported on further developments in the case against Roger Clemens, who is accused of lying to Congress while under oath.

Oh, the horrors of it all! Lying to Congress! You mean, we mere mortals can get into trouble for lying to Congress? Of course we can.

So, when does Congress get into trouble for lying to us? They do it every session. They all take an oath when sworn into office that they will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. They break that oath most every session. They feed the American all lines of nonsense in the hopes that it will garner them votes.

Roger Clemens in trouble if he is convicted of lying to Congress. Ironic, isn't it?

1 comment:

Delta R. Vines said...


A bit ironic indeed