Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I've Gone Green

Yes, believe it or not, I've gone green; that is, I am now a staunch environmentalist. The reason for my "conversion?" I have been taught how simple it is. All I have to do is offer a few incantations about needing to save the planet and - voila! - instant greenie. Don't believe me? Well, try "environmentally conscious" NASCAR driver Brian Vickers:

"It's something I've definitely grown passionate about. I believe that we are damaging this world in many ways and it's not just about carbon dioxide; we've got to learn to lead a sustainable life and a sustainable future as humans," said Vickers. "People talk about environmentalism as a way to save the planet, and I think that's a very inaccurate statement. I think it's a way to save humanity and society, as we know it, because the planet is going to go on.
"What we're trying to protect and what people need to realize is that we're trying to protect our future as human beings and how we live on this planet. Unless we can do it in a sustainable way. then that's not going to happen. And definitely not with six billion people."
"I think all the people of the world need to recognize that, first and foremost, we need to think about intelligent solutions," said Vickers. "I don't think it's realistic to expect everyone to live in huts in the woods. That's not acceptable for six billion people; you just can't survive that way. What we need to do is figure out how to live the life we live in a sustainable way." (Monte Dutton, NASCAR This Week)


So there we have it. Say a few magical words and - poof! - instant greenie. There, wasn't that easy? All we have to do is "figure out how to live the life we live in a sustainable way."

Rev up those engines, boys, the race is about to begin! I feel so much better already.


Anthony said...

I made minor adjustments in my daily routine and realized how easy it is too. I mean I always knew about recycling and things of that nature, but there are so many things that people can do and not have to make drastic changes. I was afraid of turning into one of those tree hugger types, but I didn't. One of the best things that I've done so far was switch to bioheat and I love it. It's awesome! Have you heard of it? It's pretty popular in the green community. It's biodegradable and non-toxic, so you won't have to breathe in all of those nasty fumes. The best part is that it's made of heating oils blended with every-day products like avocado and corn. Cool right?

I found out about it through my job here at NORA. I did more research on it and found out some great info and more tips from:

Check it out and see what other suggestions are offered.

ChuckL said...

Anthony, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment - especially the additional resources. One of the problems with criticizing global warming alarmism is that others think that I am not environmentally conscience. In reality, I live a much, much more environmentally friendly lifestyle than the celebrities and elitists I criticize. So, thank you for the insight and input. Stop by anytime.

Anthony said...

THANKS! I'll be sure to take you up on that offer.