Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I don't make this stuff up. I am not creative enough. An AP-AOL Health poll conducted from March 24 to April 3, 2008 links stress-induced health issues with high debt (surprise, surprise). What did catch me by surprise were the concluding sentences listing groups with more or less “debt stress.”


"Indeed, the survey found that upwardly mobile, middle-class families were among those who had the most debt stress. Others were women, couples with small children, low-income working families, Democrats and those who graduated high school but haven't taken college courses. Those least likely to be stressed from debt include men, retirees, empty nesters, college graduates and Republicans." (emphasis added)


Wow! A few conclusions can be drawn from this:

(1) For better health, be Republican.

(2) Republicans manage their money better than Democrats.

(3) Republicans take more responsibility for their lives.

(4) Democrats worry more. [Well, given the lifestyles of typical liberals, I can understand why].

Any other conclusions? I'd love to share more.

Like I say, I can't make this stuff up.


SkyePuppy said...

The retirees are easy. They're older and grew up in a time when debt was frowned on. If they had the money, they bought the thing, but if they didn't have the money, they didn't buy it. Younger people would whip out the plastic if they didn't have the money.

ChuckL said...

There is that tendency. But check out casinos. Folks with walkers and oxygen bottles feeding the slots. I wonder how many of them must decide between "food or medicine?" I tend to look at the Democrat ads pandering to the elderly with just a wee bit of scepticism.

James Banzer said...

I am a died-in-the-wool Republican, 100% through and through. Yet I have accumulated much debt because of three children that went to college. The efforts were made to get financial assistance, but we found that not being below the poverty line means you can't get many forms of assistance available to those who are poor. We're not sorry that we went into debt to get our three into higher education though. Am I stressed? Not really. Whatever will be will be. I am 100% confident that if we elect the Democrats to run the White House in November, this country is going to be much worse than it is now. I am also not totally satisfied with the Republicans. Everyone in government seems to want to spend too much except for Ron Paul, and he's not the solution either.

ChuckL said...

James, Thank you so much for visiting the blog. I know exactly what you mean about securing financial aid. We were in the same boat. In fact, benefits that apply to homeowners (not counting primary residence toward net worth) did not apply to us since we currently live in a church-owned home. So my assetts that we save to apply toward housing later was all part of our net worth, even though my actual income would have been low enough to qualify. Oh well, that's liberal compassion.
Conservatives certainly face a pretty much no-win situation this election cycle, it would appear. However, conservatives are resilient & innovative. I am toying with the idea of soliciting investment ideas that may profit from the forthcoming political policy changes. What better way to tell liberals "where to go" than to actually make money off them?
Again, thanks for the post, and blessings on you and your family!