Friday, June 13, 2008

Plants Have Feelings, Too!

SkyePuppy posted (6/4/08) about the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) protest against the treatment of lobsters. If PETA has their way, then vegetarian diets will become law. Except for imposing more elitist control over the lives of ordinary citizens, that sounds innocent enough. After all, vegetarianism is billed as "good for us." (Since I have conducted no personal research into the topic, I will not make any comments about the value of vegetarianism at this time).

However, in the land of left-believe, there is no such thing as innocence.

GENEVA - Plants deserve respect, a group of Swiss experts said Monday, arguing that killing them arbitrarily was morally wrong. In a report on "the dignity of the creature in the plant world," the federal Ethics Committee on non-human Gene Technology condemned the decapitation of flowers without reason, among other sins. Still, committee member Bernard Baertsche suggested at a press conference that such cruel acts would be weighed on a case-by-case basis, noting "the simple pleasure of picking the petals off a daisy might suffice as a reason." Similarly "all action that involves plants in the aim to conserve the human species is morally justified," said the committee, which offers an ethical take on all areas of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Nor did the commission object to genetic engineering, since this did not threaten plants' "autonomy -- that is, their capacity to reproduce or their capacity of adaptation." -- Edmonton Journal

How long will it be before an organization is formed that protests the cruelty being wrought on plants by farmers who insist on growing certain varieties in confinement (otherwise known as farms) and mercilessly executing unwanted varieties? Oh, the cruelty of it all! (By the way, here is a ground floor opportunity. What to call such an organization? It must have a nifty acronym. PETP - People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants - doesn't cut it).

Now the rational thinker might believe that the sparks will fly when PETA and this organization to be named collide. But rational thought and actions are not prerequisites in the land of left-believe. I am certain that a workable compromise will emerge - especially since there will be those who are members of both organizations - such as, oh say, humans refrain from eating. Or, to be a bit more gruesome & macabre, resort to dieting on the only living being that liberals love to kill.


SkyePuppy said...


They already have a PETP of sorts here:

Thanks for the link!

ChuckL said...

I took a look at it. Hilarious. Even funnier were the criticisms left by animal-rights activists. No sense of humor. :)