Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conservatives Right - As Usual

Well, well, well. Along with other conservatives, Rush Limbaugh revealed how Sen. Dodd and other members of Congress were quite aware of the upcoming contractual bonus issue at AIG, along with the revelation of the "Dodd amendment." Sen. Dodd rejected these "accusations" and told the American public that some "unknown" person or group changed the wording to his amendment prior to the vote. Yet, he still voted for the stimulus bill in spite of the "changes."

So now try out this headline: "Sen. Dodd admits adding bonus provision to stimulus package." (FOX News, 3/18/09)

Yet, conservatism & conservatives are bad for America. My, my, my. I guess they are: they keep tripping up liberals with truth.

Remember: How to anger a conservative - tell her a lie. How to anger a liberal - tell him the truth.


Malott said...

Yesterday Limbaugh played clips from a congressional hearing on the 3rd of March where the bonuses were discussed. These congressmen and the White House have known all along that these bonuses were contractual and coming... Because they allowed them in the stimulus bill!

And now the feigned outrage... The demonization of AIG employees who are now receiving death threats.

Makkes me want to puke.

ChuckL said...

Along with the failure of the American "independent" press to report accurately. I'm not saying I like the big bonuses some received, but the story is different when all the facts are known. The Kokomo Tribune editorial opinion on Sunday, 3/22/09 is one example of leaving out germane details.