Monday, October 19, 2009

T.E.A. Party Meeting

I finally had an opportunity to attend a formal TEA Party meeting in Miami County. I am going to post my observations in order to help remove some of the suspicion and concern that some folks seem to have developed toward the movement.

It is not a secret society. The meeting was held at a public library and anyone could enter the meeting area. There were no ID checks or anything of the sort. Just come in, mingle, and even participate.

After the meeting was brought to order, we sang the National Anthem, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and had an invocation prayer. The item of business was the distribution of the very simple By-Laws which were discussed and then voted for approval. The chapter's Treasurer then delivered prepared remarks about American exceptionalism. That was followed by a guest from a neighboring chapter who addressed the known content and status of the proposed health care legislation. Specifically, she referred to HR 3200 (she had a copy present) and the Senate Baucus Bill (no copy because it does not formally exist). Based upon the known contents of the bill, she expressed concern what it will mean to the care that may or may not be provided for her special needs young adult daughter. Following a few brief introductions and announcements, the meeting was adjourned. Individual interaction occurred as the room furnishings were replaced to their before-meeting arrangement.

This is the "extreme right-wing terrorism" of which certain members of our culture and Big Media are afraid. Well, I can understand their concern when normal neighbors gather and expose to the light the darkness of corruption, dishonesty, and decadence that some seek to impose upon us all.


RobS said...

Hi Chuck!

I read your comments and am grateful for your attendance and interest in the group. I watched as free speech washed over the gathered citizens. You are welcome to attend the next MCTP meeting on Thursday, October 29, at 6:30 PM and a meeting at the Bunker Hill Community Building on November 12, at 6:30 PM. Bring your friends to introduce them to the experience of freedom of assembly. I may be a speaker at the gathering in Bunker Hill.

Lastly, please visit my website and read chapters from each of my books. Come to and stay for a while. I am reading each of my books, one chapter per day starting at 4:15 PM, at Eastwood Place every workday, Monday thru Friday, from October 12 to late December. You are welcome to attend the events - no charge and no obligation. Spread the news!

Respectfully yours,

Rob Spahr

ChuckL said...

Thanks, Rob. And thanks for letting me know the upcoming meeting dates.