Thursday, October 08, 2009

Busting Open Our Piggy Banks

We must stop electing politicians who buy our votes. Yes, it is tempting to support those who promise us some type of government entitlement, but keep this vital reality in mind: not one of those politicians is going to bust open his/her piggy bank to keep their promises. They will, however, bust open your piggy banks plus those of your parents, children, and neighbors.

In fact, our elected officials are busting open our piggy banks big time right now. Based upon America’s accumulated debt; obligations to Social Security, Medicare, and pension payments; and Federal Reserve liabilities, each American household is indirectly responsible for over a million dollars debt burden per household! If every American family saved five percent of their earnings and put every penny into a debt repayment pot, it would take 429 years to pay off today’s national debts and obligations! (Source: Weiss Market Research) And that’s if the U.S. government stopped incurring more debt right now.

The truth is that there is no plan in place to slow spending, much less stop overspending. Even though the exact amounts are open for debate, there is wide consensus that cap and trade will increase our energy costs and government health care will increase our taxes and health insurance costs. Both will increase our government debt and, in turn, increase our household debt burden. This is just the national level, friends. Consider the impact at the state and local levels as these governments cope with higher costs and lower revenues caused by the federal spending policies.

Without some serious reality checks, we are not headed for “happy days are here again.” It may already be too late. So if you believe that you deserve entitlements from our federal government, why don’t you just skip the bureaucracy and ask your parents, children, and neighbors to contribute to your cause? Those are the piggy banks our politicians are coming after.

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