Wednesday, October 07, 2009


This hypocrisy is too good to pass up...


Michael Moore says he is sick and tired of special tax breaks for corporations. Unless of course they happen to benefit him personally. Then he likes them. A lot.According to Peter Schweizer in Tuesday's Investor's Business Daily: Moore has found a tax break for corporations he actually likes. And his arguments in favor of it sound more like they're coming from a supply-sider than the populist he professes to be. Michigan, where Moore lives, offers the most generous tax breaks and subsidies for film producers in the country. For every dollar you spend making a movie in Michigan, taxpayers will give you back 42 cents. Moore actually relocated his postproduction team from New York City to Michigan just to take advantage of these tax credits.But Moore is not just a recipient of these tax credits. His hypocrisy goes deeper. As a member of the Michigan Film Office Advisory Council he has been a cheerleader for them. Appointed to the post by Gov. Jennifer Granholm in September 2008, Moore sees himself as an ambassador who will help bring the film business into the state.And how does he profess to bring the film business to Michigan? By offering it tax breaks. (Dr. Mark J. Perry, "Michael Moore, Closet Tax-Cutting Supply-Sider," 10/6/09)


Capitalist pig.

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