Thursday, November 05, 2009

Still Dawdling

As of this date, our Dawdler-In-Chief has still not issued his decision about the prosecution of the war in Afghanistan. He is making a big deal about how "careful" and "thorough" he is trying to be so that he only commits American lives into harms way when only absolutely necessary. As noted before, what does this say about the American lives currently in harm's way?

In his typical flamboyantly political style, I expect President Barack Hussein Obama to announce his grand plan on November 11th - Veteran's Day. What better way to demonstrate his "support" for the courage and sacrifice of American military personnel than to make a decision about the prosecution of the war in Afghanistan? What better way to take credit for doing nothing? What better way to coax the flags and flag pins out of even Big Media for a day?

In sad truth, all this political posturing and maneuvering about how to proceed in Afghanistan has already done tremendous harm to American efforts there. This Dawdler-In-Chief cares very little for the lives of those who serve America so tremendously well.

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