Sunday, August 15, 2010

In Midst of Ecological Disaster, Gulf's Beaches Still Useable

In the wake of America's "worst environmental disaster," the president is encouraging Americans to vacation along the Gulf coast, stating that the “beaches all along the Gulf Coast are clean, safe, and open for business.” (Julianna Goldman, "Obama Swims in Gulf Waters,", 8/15/10) We are also assured that "he pledged to make sure the region’s seafood was safe to eat and he promised to expedite the claims process." While the spill was in progress, Obama apologists countered critics by asking how the president could personally stop the leak. Now, however, Americans can be certain that he will personally ensure that the seafood is safe to eat. Unless, of course, the seafood cannot be made safe to eat, in which case we will be left to understand that the president cannot personally make the seafood safe to eat.

One significant fact left out of all the credit-grabbing gobbled up and spit out with no reflection on the part of the lap-dog Big Media is that conservative commentators were accurate from the beginning: the environment itself will take care of the largest part of this disaster. In spite of this administration's best efforts to thwart the efforts of local and state agencies to contain the spill, libs are stymied that the oil is being gobbled up by natural enzymes and stuff in the Gulf. Yes, the spill has been and is serious, but the reaction among the left that this disaster legitimizes more government enlargement is bogus... just like all their claims. Indeed, Big Media - appropriately dubbed "drive-by media" by Rush Limbaugh - has already moved on to other more relevent and newsworthy crises. The only thing left to report is the harm done to oil workers by the drilling moratorium. That would reflect badly upon the source of the moratorium, which cannot be allowed.

So be sure to stop by the Gulf coast and search for the "worst environmental disaster in American history." While you're there, keep your eyes open for the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, too.


SkyePuppy said...

A point of clarification: Obama didn't really swim in the Gulf. He swam in St. Andrews Bay, a protected, fresh-water fed, Gulf washed body of water along Florida's coast. Here's an article with a map.

He cheats.

ChuckL said...

Greetings SkyePuppy,

I saw an article posted a day or two after I made my entry here. He certainly does cheat. Sadly, too many Americans have become his enablers.

Thanks for the update!