Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why We Need LESS Government

It is no secret what lies at the heart of American patriotism and conservatism: limited government formed by the people to serve the people. Without limited government, there is no corner of our lives that government will not attempt to control. There is no element of life too petty for government to seek to coerce.

In Utah, the legislature passed a bill in March to legalize the personal collection of rainwater. For the first time, private citizens are allowed to "harvest" rainwater. But wait - as the infomercial ads declare - there's more! It is legal to "harvest" rainwater with a state permit and using state-approved containers.

Is this how we want to live? Do we want our almost every movement dictated by government? This is the antithesis of our American Founders' ideals. I do not suggest that they were perfect and free from a few control issues. But on the whole, they tried their hardest to institutionalize freedom, not tyranny. They sought to do this through the ideology of limited government. It still makes sense today.


Tsofah said...

"One nation, under G-d, indivisible, with LIBERTY and justice for all"

Yep, the word "Liberty" is still in the pledge! (Whew!)


ChuckL said...

When former President Reagan began his reelection bid, I remember the campaign question, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" Coming out of the Carter years, that question was a slam-dunk "YES" for most folks.

The question that needs to be asked these next few years is, "Do you have less liberty than four years ago?" I tend to think, unfortunately, that the answer is again "YES."

God bless, Tsofah!