I don't seem to recall any charges of racism, racial profiling, or any other sort of racial travesty being raised by press or president when this black man was led away in handcuffs.
Former Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes and 21 other protesters were arrested this morning when they refused to leave the Notre Dame campus during a protest of President Obama's upcoming commencement address there, authorities said.Keyes and the others were arrested on trespassing charges when they refused to leave campus, a university spokesman said. All 22 were being held in the St. Joseph County Jail on misdemeanor criminal trespass charges, in lieu of $250 bond each, said St. Joseph County Sheriff's Sgt. Bill Redman.
Keyes was among a group of 26 protesters, some of them pushing baby carriages with dolls covered in fake blood, who entered the campus and were greeted by Notre Dame police, said university spokesman Dennis Brown. (ChicagoBreakingNews, 5/8/09)
Keyes was among a group of 26 protesters, some of them pushing baby carriages with dolls covered in fake blood, who entered the campus and were greeted by Notre Dame police, said university spokesman Dennis Brown. (ChicagoBreakingNews, 5/8/09)
(Photo: the arrest of Alan Keyes)
Chuck - It is amazing how the media either schews or ignores Alan Keyes. Not every man or woman of color are treated equally by those who yell "racism!" the loudest. It's not race, it's race and political party.
Ain't that the truth. It is obvious to everyone except the libs that the Republican party and conservative organizations are typically more racially progressive than they are. Look how Condoleeza Rice was portrayed by the Democrat party and their Big Media lapdogs. No ideological conservative dare pull those stunts without severe backlash from all our kind, lovin' progressive types out there.
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