Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

In response to the published column by a Kokomo High School biology teacher declaring that cap-and-trade is a necessity (Rick Parsons, "Cap-and-trade program is needed," Kokomo Tribune, 8/3/09, p. A4), I wrote the following...

Dear Editor,

To what extent will government global warming policies intrude into our private lives? Plenty, if global warming alarmist-activists have their way. According to The Natural Resource Defense Council and Green peace (“Cultural Diversity,” KT, 8/3/09, p. A8), Americans’ use of ultra-soft and quilted toilet paper “imposes more costs on the planet than do gas-guzzling cars.” If they have their way, and they have mounted campaigns to have their way, then we can expect to be told what kind of toilet paper we can get and how much we can use.

In the same issue, Mr. Rick Parsons wrote that the cap-and-trade program is necessary and vital to combat global warming. Allow me to make the inaccurate assumption that there are absolutely no climatologists, other legitimate scientists, or high school biology teachers who question the methodology or conclusions of global warming studies, and that all scientists are in complete agreement with the resource recommendations Mr. Parsons provides. Applying this assumption, we can declare with alarm that the earth is in serious trouble and that, as Mr. Parsons writes, we must make drastic carbon dioxide emission reductions in order to save the planet. Since this is the case, then Mr. Parsons must be thrilled with my last two published letters concerning steps to take that curb carbon dioxide emissions. I noted in my first that those alarmed over global warming need to live like me. If anyone needs a reminder of the specifics, the editor can pull my letter from the archive or I can resubmit. In my second letter, I recommended that all available public transportation in Kokomo and surrounding areas be thoroughly utilized. I see no need for high school parking lots to be filled with students’ vehicles when there is a school bus transportation system available. Perhaps Mr. Parsons should take away grade points from those students refusing to comply; call it grade-and-trade or something. And perhaps Mr. Parsons should recommend to his school board that a public transportation system be arranged for teachers and administrators as well. I hope that Mr. Parsons sees fit to join me in this crusade. We are, after all, out to save the planet.

Additional suggestions are welcome. I want to ensure that Mr. Parsons has all the available tools at his disposal to save the planet.


SkyePuppy said...

You can charge him a fee every time he exhales CO2.

ChuckL said...

I wish I could charge someone a fee for this nonsense. AlGore is making something how is he doing it?