Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Why Can't They Tell the Truth for Once?

Once again, the truth is exposed that liberals must deceive in order to make their policies palatable to Americans. A single payer (ie, government) health insurance system is going to make us serfs to our own government like nothing we have witnessed to date. Policy making libs know this, so they openly lie about it now in order to get it passed. And they also know that they will exempt themselves from the policies that the American masses will be herded into.

Watch the short video, and then you decide who is telling the truth in this debate.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 10:30 PM
Subject: Another BHO Lie Exposed

Isn't it wonderful when the truth exposes those who lie. It is very disturbing when it comes from BHO. We must pray and vote responsibly in 2010. Click on video below.

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