Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Bizarre Czar

President Obama insists on telling us how important his Christian faith and his allegiance to America are, yet he continues to surround himself with the most radical group of people this nation has experienced. This time it is "czar" Cass Sunstein...


TEL AVIV – President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar defended the possibility of removing organs from terminally ill patients without their permission.
Cass Sunstein also has strongly pushed for the removal of organs from deceased individuals who did not explicitly consent to becoming organ donors. (Aaron Klein, "Take organs from 'helpless patients,'" World Net Daily, 10/12/09)


Anyone wanting to see how the proposed policies of President Obama's bizarre "czars" are going to play out for the American people can refer to any number of science fiction stories and movies as they insist on creating a land of the enslaved. Better yet, refer to the Bible for descriptions of cultures given over to evil.


Malott said...

All change... No hope.

ChuckL said...

The more things change... the more they stay the same.