Friday, October 16, 2009

Healthcare Reform - Honestly

In September 2007, Robert Reich - an Obama adviser, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, and ultra-liberal economist - told an audience at the University of California what an honest presidential candidate would say about healthcare reform.

Here is a real live intellectual ultra-liberal's assessment of government-run healthcare: (1) everyone, especially younger citizens, are going to have to pay more for healthcare; (2) older citizens are not going to have access to expensive medicines and technology to extend their lives another "couple of months;" (3) the cost of drugs and healthcare delivery will be government controlled at the expense of innovation and discovery of new drugs; and (4) everyone will probably not have lifespans much, if any, longer than their parents.

I am stunned by Reich's "speech." I honestly do not know what to think. Except, let's help the liberals get their message out for everyone to hear. He does, after all, call for an informed citizenship.


Tsofah said...


Wow. Mr. Reich has the chutzpah to tell the truth. I'm impressed.

Malott said...

Reich is saying the exact things that the opponents of government-run healthcare are saying.


ChuckL said...

I agree that it is absolutely amazing that Mr. Reich would offer such comments. And, at the same time, continue to support such abysmal policy! This is why I think that it is worthwhile to let liberal ideology be heard. When it is, who wants it?